Silvasorb® Antimicrobial Hydrogel Wound Dressing with Ionic Silver 1-1/2 oz Tube Amorphous, Latex-Free ® Silvasorb® Silver Hydrogel harnesses the power of ionic silver by releasing silver at a controlled level for broad spectrum antimicrobial action, without harming tissue cells. The ionic silver is suspended in the Silvasorb® to control its release over a period of up to three days. It offers antimicrobial protection over a broad spectrum of bacteria and fungi.
- Advanced fluid management helps provide a moist, wound healing environment.
- Completely biocompatible with the tissue cells of healing.
- Provides constant, antimicrobial protection.
- Gentle for patient and easy to use.
- Nonstaining and helps manage bacterial burden.
- Sheets may be left in place for up to seven days.
- Microlattice particles control the release of antimicrobial silver.